South Church invites you to come visit us. To make it a pleasant one we offer answers to these frequently asked questions to help you plan accordingly.
We look forward to meeting you!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
We are located at 1301 Forbes Street in the south end of East Hartford. Use the link to google maps to help you plan your visit.
Where is the church located?
It is suggested that you time your arrival 10 to 15 minutes before the service starts so you can find a parking space, greet friends and get settled in the Sanctuary.
How early should I arrive for worship?
There is no dress code for participating in worship, so wear what makes you comfortable.
What do I wear for Sunday worship?
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
We are located at 1301 Forbes Street in the south end of East Hartford. Use the link to google maps to help you plan your visit.
Where is the church located?
It is suggested that you time your arrival 10 to 15 minutes before the service starts so you can find a parking space, greet friends and get settled in the Sanctuary.
How early should I arrive for worship?
There is no dress code for participating in worship, so wear what makes you comfortable.
What do I wear for Sunday worship?
There is ample parking behind and along the south side of the church with handicap parking located close to building.
Where do I park?
We recommend either the main entrance or the south entrance as the best ways to get to the Sanctuary where worship is held. Pictures of these entrances, directions to the Sanctuary, and parking areas can be found on our overhead view page.
Where do I enter the building for a worship service?
Worship starts at 10 A.M. and typically runs an hour. It is a traditional service and includes music, hymns, scripture readings, sermon and prayers. Immediately following worship you may join us for fellowship in our community hall ("Charrier Hall").
What will the service be like?
On Sunday morning children proceed to our Children's Chapel, which is a multi-age setting, where their lessons and activities are facilitated under the guidance of our Christian Education and Faith Enrichment Coordinators, who are assisted by parent volunteers.
Where do my children go during the service?
Communion is usually offered on the first Sunday of each month and is open to adults and children. You do not need to be a member to participate.
Who can receive Communion?
Fill out the Welcome Card that can be found in the pew or at the Welcome Station outside the Sanctuary. You may give this card to any usher or put it into the offering plate. We also encourage you to talk to the Senior Pastor or any church member.
Where can I get more information about South Church?